Prof. Xuefeng Wang 王学锋 (教授) |
Date:2018-08-14 | Visits:10854 |
Dr. Xuefeng WANG, Professor Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures School of Electronic Science and Engineering Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China Tel.: 86-25-8968-0645 Email: Homepage: http:/liff Researcher ID: Research Interests: Functional Films and Integration; Advanced Spintronic Materials and Devices; External-Stimuli Manipulation for Novel Device Applications Prof. Wang received his bachelor degree in Materials Science and Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology in 2002 and Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2007. Prof. Wang worked as a postdoctoral research associate at Electron Microscope Unit in University of Sydney Australia from 2008. In 2010, He joined School of Electronic Science and Engineering in Nanjing University as an Associate Professor and was promoted to the full Professor in 2014. His research mainly covers the advanced spintronic materials and devices, epitaxy heterostructures for various functional devices, magnetic semiconductors, correlated oxide electronics and topological quantum devices. He has published over 130 peer-reviewed journal papers in Nat. Mater., Nat. Nanotechnol., Nat. Commun., Light: Science & Applications, Adv. Mater., JACS, Nano Lett., ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Electron. Mater., IEEE Electron Dev. Lett., and Applied Physics Letters, in which over 10 papers were selected as the cover highlighted work. These papers have been widely cited over 3400 times according to the SCI library. His H-index is 31. Prof. Wang has written 4 Book Chapters and held 8 Chinese patents. He managed 8 grants from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Especially he obtained the funding of the National Excellent Youth in 2018. He also serves as the young editorial board member of Chines Physics Letters, Chinese Physics B, Acta Physica Sinica and Physics, and served as the editorial board member of Electronics and Scientific Reports. 王学锋,男,1980年生。现任Betway必威西汉姆联教授,博士生导师,国家优秀青年基金获得者(2018),教育部新世纪优秀人才(2012)。2002年和2004年在武汉理工大学材料学院获学士和硕士学位,2007年在香港中文大学电子工程系获博士学位,2008年在澳大利亚悉尼大学从事博士后研究,2009年在香港中文大学做访问学者,2010年入职bw必威西汉姆联官网bw必威西汉姆联,2014年12月聘为教授。 长期从事新型自旋电子材料与器件研究,主要研究内容包括拓扑量子和关联电子体系、薄膜异质界面、自旋量子态调控与自旋原型器件构建。 作为项目负责人先后主持国家自然科学基金项目8项及省部级科研项目3项,参与国家重点/重大研发计划4项。至今已发表SCI论文130余篇,包括Nat. Mater., Nat. Nanotechnol., Nat. Commun., Light Sci. Appl., Adv. Mater., JACS, Nano Lett., ACS Nano, Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Electron. Mater., IEEE EDL/TED, APL, PRB, Nanoscale等著名学术期刊,其中第一/通讯作者论文80余篇,SCI总引用3600余次,H因子32。参编《量子物理》教材一部,合作撰写《半导体科学与技术》等专著章节4章,申请/授权国家发明专利8项。担任Nat. Mater., Nat.Commun., Nano Lett., Adv. Mater.等著名期刊的审稿人,CPL、CPB、《物理学报》、《物理》四刊联合青年编委、Electronics及Scientific Reports编委。曾获中国建材联合会科学技术奖一等奖。 主持和参与的科研项目 1. 反铁磁界面交换偏置的高效电学写入机制研究(2024/01-2028/12),国家自然科学基金重大项目课题,主持 2. 基于大面积WTe2/CoFeB异质结的无磁场室温自旋轨道矩效应及器件研究(2023/01-2026/12),国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 3. 二维自旋关联物态的输运性质调控(2022/12-2027/11),科技部国家重点研发计划“物态调控”专项,学术骨干 4. 过渡金属氧化物异质界面二维电子气的离子液体辅助的多场调控(2019/01-2022/12),国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 5. 新型自旋电子材料与器件(2019/01-2021/12),国家自然科学基金优青项目,主持 6. 层状拓扑晶态材料可控生长及强磁场下奇异输运性质的研究(2018/01-2020/12),国家自然科学基金联合基金,主持 7. 稀磁半导体低维结构的自旋调控及器件应用(2013/01-2016/12), 国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 8. 拓扑奇异磁性半导体纳米结构的掺杂调控与自旋输运 (2012/01-2015/12),国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持 9. (Zn,Co)O稀磁半导体中的团聚及空间分布的调控与磁性驱动机理(2010/01-2012/12),国家自然科学基金青年基金,主持 10. 自旋电子学(2012/01-2014/12),教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划,主持 11. 稀土掺杂硫系薄膜的制备及其中红外发光性能的研究(2012/01-2014/12),江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,主持 12. 半导体自旋电子学(2011/01-2013/12),教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金,主持 13. 大失配、强极化第三代半导体材料体系外延生长动力学和载流子调控规律(2017/01-2021/12),科技部国家重点研发计划“战略性先进电子材料”重点专项,学术骨干 14. 磁性拓扑绝缘体原子尺度操控和新奇物性研究(2014/01-2018/12),科技部国家重大科学研究计划“量子调控”专项,学术骨干 15. 自支撑GaN衬底材料制备及其同质外延应用(2012/01-2016/12),科技部国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划),学术骨干 代表性论文 1. Z. Q. Chen, H. S. Qiu, X. J. Cheng, J. Z. Cui, Z. M. Jin, D. Tian, X. Zhang, K. K. Xu, R. X. Liu, W. Niu, L. Q. Zhou, T. Y. Qiu, Y. Q. Chen, C. H. Zhang, X. X. Xi, F. Q. Song, R. Yu, X. C. Zhai*, B. B. Jin*, R. Zhang*, X. F. Wang*, Defect-induced helicity dependent terahertz emission in Dirac semimetal PtTe2 thin films, Nat. Commun. 15, 2605 (2024). 2. C. F. Li, R. Wang, S. Zhang*, Y. Y. Qin, Z. Ying, B. Y. Wei, Z. Dai, F. Y. Guo, W. Chen, R. Zhang, B. G. Wang, X. F. Wang*, F. Q. Song*, Observation of giant non-reciprocal charge transport from quantum Hall states in a topological insulator, Nat. Mater. 23, 1208-1213 (2024). 3. X. Zhang, T. S. Zhu, S. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen, A. K. Song, C. Zhang, R. Z. Gao, W. Niu, Y. Q. Chen, F. C. Fei, Y. L. Tai, G. A. Li, B. H. Ge, W. K. Lou, J. Shen, H. J. Zhang, K. Chang, F. Q. Song*, R. Zhang*, X. F. Wang*, Light-induced giant enhancement of nonreciprocal transport at KTaO3-based interfaces, Nat. Commun. 15, 2992 (2024). 4. Z. Y. Li, Y. Q. Chen, A. K. Song, J. Z. Zhang, R. Zhang, Z. Z. Zhang*, X. F. Wang*, Anisotropic phonon dynamics in Dirac semimetal PtTe2 thin films enabled by helicity-dependent ultrafast light excitation, Light Sci. Appl. 13, 181 (2024). 5. R. X. Liu, L. Si, W. Niu, X. Zhang, Z. Q. Chen, C. Z. Zhu, W. Z. Zhuang, Y. D. Chen, C. C. Zhang, L. Q. Zhou, P. Wang, F. Q. Song, L. Tang, Y. B. Xu, Z. C. Zhong*, R. Zhang, X. F. Wang*, Light-Induced Mott Insulator-to-Metal Phase Transition in Ultrathin Intermediate-Spin Ferromagnetic Perovskite Ruthenates, Adv. Mater. 35, 2211612 (2023). 6. Y. Zhang, F. C. Fei*, R. X. Liu, T. S. Zhu, B. Chen, T. Y. Qiu, Z. W. Zuo, J. W. Guo, W. C. Tang, L. F. Zhou, X. X. Xi, X. S. Wu, D. Wu, Z. C. Zhong*, F. Q. Song*, R. Zhang, X. F. Wang*, Enhanced Superconductivity and Upper Critical Field in Ta-Doped Weyl Semimetal Td-MoTe2, Adv. Mater. 35, 2207841 (2023). 7. Y. Q. Chen, Y. M. Zhu, R. J. Lin, W. Niu, R. X. Liu, W. Z. Zhuang, X. Zhang, J. H. Liang, W. X. Sun, Z. Q. Chen, Y. S. Hu, F. Q. Song, J. Zhou, D. Wu, B. H. Ge*, H. X. Yang*, R. Zhang, X. F. Wang*, Observation of Colossal Topological Hall Effect in Noncoplanar Ferromagnet Cr5Te6 Thin Films, Adv. Funct. Mater. 33, 2302984 (2023). 8. M. H. Zhang, H. Q. Wang, K. J. Mu, P. D. Wang, W. Niu, S. Zhang, G. L. Xiao, Y. Q. Chen, T. Tong, D. Z. Fu, X. F. Wang*, H. J. Zhang*, F. Q. Song*, F. Miao, Z. Sun, Z. C. Xia, X. R. Wang, Y. B. Xu, B. G. Wang, D. Y. Xing, R. Zhang, Topological Phase Transition-Induced Triaxial Vector Magnetoresistance in (Bi1-xInx)2Se3 Nanodevices, ACS Nano 12, 1537-1543 (2018). 9. W. Niu, Y. Zhang, Y. L. Gan, D. V. Christensen, M. V. Soosten, E. J. Garcia-Suarez, A. Riisager, X. F. Wang*, Y. B. Xu, R. Zhang, N. Pryds, Y. Z. Chen*, Giant tunability of the two-dimensional electron gas at the interface of g-Al2O3/SrTiO3, Nano Lett. 17, 6878-6885 (2017). 10. T. S. Chen, W. Q. Liu, F. B. Zheng, M. Gao, X. C. Pan, G. van der Laan, X. F. Wang*, Q. F. Zhang*, F. Q. Song*, B. G. Wang, B. L. Wang, Y. B. Xu, G. H. Wang,R. Zhang, High-mobility Sm-doped Bi2Se3 ferromagnetic topological insulators and the robust exchange coupling, Adv. Mater. 27, 4823-4829 (2015). |